The Linked Open Research Cloud (LORC) : connected, findable, and accessible scientific knowledge

The Linked Open Research Cloud (LORC) project - - under License CC0 1.0 Universal  - - aims to increase the awareness, discovery, and reuse of resources about scholarly communication on the Web in the form of open Linked Data.  

LORC pursues this by accepting notifications about scholarly activities, making them available for reuse, and generates an interactive visualisation for additional exploration. 

Consequently, LORC can assist researchers with their applications to discover pertinent scholarly information on the Web, and connect their knowledge with the global knowledge graph

For the wider scientific community, LORC can facilitate scientometrics studies and decision making based on the scholarly commons ecosystem.

The  LORC project has announced its:

  • inbox to receive Linked Data Notifications (LDN) about scholarly activities, eg. publication of scholarly articles, 
  • Web Annotations (like peer reviews, replies), citations, call for contributions, proceedings, scientific observations and workflows, arguments, funding information etc.

With a system like LORC, universal scientific knowledge can be better connected, findable, and accessible, with the potential to amplify its effectiveness and efficiency.

Making the LORC look comprehensible is an ongoing work. If you would like to make your ideas tangible, please get involved ! You are invited to join the public chat or raise an issue.

Learn more about LORC here
