Take part in a OpenMinTeD survey investigating needs in relation to Text Mining!

OpenMinTeD Project encourages your participation in a survey investigating needs in relation to Text Mining!

The EU-funded project OpenMinTeD (2015 – 2018) is trying to foster and facilitate the use of Text Mining technologies in the scientific publications world and beyond.

To that end, OpenMinTeD needs help from researchers in the Text Mining community to adjust OpenMinTeD platform and its use cases according to the users’ needs.

OpenMinTeD team kindly ask you to fill out a Questionnaire which is targeted towards capturing requirements of text miners.

Answering all of the questions of the questionnaire might take approximately 10 minutes.

OpenMinTeD team would really appreciate it if you could also forward this questionnaire to your colleagues or friends working in this field; so OpenMinTeD can collect more feedback!

If you have any questions about this survey please contact OpenMinTeD team at [email protected]


Source: OpenMinteD Survey

See also: