
The Semantics for e-science in an intelligent  Big Data context.Sepublica 2014 is part of the ESWC Workshops.  The ESWC 2014 takes place from May 25th, 2014 to May 29th, 2014 in Anissaras, Crete, Greece. Semantic publishing is central to the openness that has been embraced by scholarly communication, e-science, data journalism, e-government and across many other domains. This openness implies deep changes in making the semantics of the data available for integration, consumption and analysis. Researchers are moving from a narrative based communication into a data-based convincing argument. Such shift impacts all layers of scholarly;  data needs to be archived and kept readily available and interoperable. Scholars across many disciplines are undergoing an important shift in their communication practices; reproducibility, smart data storage, intelligent use of the Web as a platform and not solely as a dissemination channel, business intelligence for e-science content and many others are currently a matter of discussion in the academic community.