The third ASIS&T European Workshop, Osijek 2015

. ASIS&T European Workshop is a general information science and technology conference with an aim of bringing together European based scholars and practitioners of information science in order to discuss current developments and European perspectives of information science research and practice. The general theme of the conference is "Information, Tehnology and the User" Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Data, information, knowledge: same or different concepts?
  • The philosophy of information: new (inter)discipline Towards general theory of information (GTI): or, do we already have one?
  • Objective vs. subjective information Human-technology interaction Technology,
  • knowledge and society Free and open technologies for free and open society: free and open source software,
  • open standards and open access in information institutions Digital technologies and
  • the rise of the do it yourself (DIY) culture Creative Commons and cultural production Iyberspace and digital identities Internet as a powerful tool for social changes Internet and creative production