21 New Preservation Vocabularies available at id.loc.gov

The Library of Congress and PREMIS Editorial Committee have made available 21 new value vocabularies to be used with preservation metadata in LC's Linked Data Service for Authorities and Vocabularies (id.loc.gov).  Each vocabulary reflects a controlled list of values for semantic units specified in the PREMIS Data Dictionary version 2.2. Previously only 3 preservation vocabularies were available from the service, so they now cover a much wider range of PREMIS semantic units.

The PREMIS Editorial Committee recently announced the publication of a revised PREMIS OWL ontology based on PREMIS version 2.2 which makes use of the 24 value vocabularies available in id.loc.gov.

In some cases there are relationships asserted to terms in other vocabularies. For instance, rightsholder  in the RightsRelatedAgentRole vocabulary asserts a relationship to a property in dc:terms and to one in MARC relators

All of these vocabularies are available at http://id.loc.gov/preservationdescriptions/

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