IICA/CATIE Orton Memorial Library celebrates its 70th anniversary

IICA/CATIE Orton Memorial Library celebrates its 70th anniversary and an extraordinary career in the area of agricultural information in the hemisphere.

The Ceremony of celebration will be held in memoriam Dr. Gilberto Páez Bogarín, outstanding Paraguayan scientist that supported exhaustively the generation of agricultural information in the hemisphere.

Impacts on the Inter-American management of agricultural information

Among the main impacts, there are some that must be highlighted, such as the creation of national networks, the Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists (AIBDA by its Spanish acronym), service of scientific exchange, Agrinter, training of librarians and documentalists, AGRI2000/SIDALC, and other well-known informational initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Orton Library possesses a valuable collection of approximately 1,000,000 bibliographical documents related to topics such as tropical agriculture, forestry, natural resources, environmental issues, and other related areas.

25% of the library collection is considered scientific and cultural patrimony of humanity. During its successful career, Orton Library has enhanced the Latin American and Caribbean agricultural sector through the build of the informational capacities in professionals in agriculture and management of information. Orton Library pioneered a ‘non-frontier’ knowledge and the marketing of information services, and also Orton Library has been granted different funds for the development of informational projects and establishing worldwide alliances.

The audio-news of the 70th anniversary are accessible at: