Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa (ITOCA) to Host Research4Life Workshop in Zimbabwe in 2020

The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, together with the Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa (ITOCA) will partner Training-of-Trainer Workshop for Research4Life master trainers in Zimbabwe in 2020.

The workshop, “Research4Life Outreach and Marketing Strategy: Implementing a Systematic Approach that builds on experiences from all five Rearch4Life Programs” will help to increase and improve provision of goods and services from agriculture, forestry and fisheries in a sustainable manner. ITOCA also aims to increase awareness and improve the uptake and usage of up-to-date research in agriculture and nutrition, health, environment, innovation and law through Research4Life program resources in Nepal, Moldova, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Throughout the workshop, best practices gleaned from the outreach experiences of the Research4Life partners from all five programs will be established and reviewed. Recommendations based on the most effective strategies will be shared at the Research4Life General Partners Meeting (GPM) in July 2020.


Photo ©ITOCA


ITOCA is aimed at providing, promoting and building capacity for scientists, researchers and information professionals on the use of electronic resources in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Established in February 1999, ITOCA’s main thrust is providing the research and academic communities with access to up-to-date affordable access to published scientific scholarly literature and develop required relevant skills. 

The demand for access to scientific literature in developing countries has gone unfulfilled for many years, and has led to the isolation of a generation of scientists from their peers. Currently, the organization runs four major programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa: TEEAL, AGORA, HINARI and OARE funded through grants from Cornell University, FAO, WHO, and CTA of Netherlands.


Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) is one of the five programmes making up Research4Life with the main goal to improve the quality and effectiveness of agricultural research, education and training in low and middle-income countries. AGORA was launched in 2003 by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in partnership with Cornell University and up to 65 of the world’s leading science publishers.

AGORA/Reasearch4Life provides free or low cost access to peer-reviewed journals and e- books in agriculture and related biological, environmental, social and other research domains to more than 3,400 institutions from more than 115 eligible countries