AGROVOC Concept Server Web Services beta version

AGROVOC is remodeled using OWL, the Web Ontology Language, into a more semantically structured system called the Concept Server. For developers of agricultural information management systems, AGROVOC Concept Server web services beta version has been released to incorporate AGROVOC Concept Server into their applications via web services. Using web services, changes on the AGROVOC Concept Server can be accessed immediately reducing the time and effort necessary to download and incorporate the latest version of the AGROVOC Concept Server data into applications.This release version of web services is available for testing purpose only and comments are more than welcome. To learn more about the web services, please visit the AGROVOC Concept Server web services site at this release, we have introduced 8 different methods to access concept server data. 1. getAgrovocCSModules - returns all the modules of AGROVOC. 2. getAgrovocCSModulesString - returns all the modules of AGROVOC as comma separated string value.3. getAgrovocCSLanguages - returns all languages that the AGROVOC is currently available in. 4. getAgrovocCSLanguagesString - returns all languages that the AGROVOC is currently available in as comma separated string value.5. getTermcodeByTermXML - returns the Term Code of the specified term.6. getTermcodeByTermXMLString - returns the Term Code of the specified term as comma separated string value.7. getTermsByClassName - returns the Term with specified term URI.8. getTermsByClassNameString - returns the Term with specified term URI as comma separated string value.