Property | Value |
rdf:type | skos:Concept
skos:inScheme |
skos:broader |
Property | Value |
dcterms:created | 2019-10-15T16:02:31.834+02:00
dcterms:modified | 2022-08-09T16:44:49
void:inDataset |
skos:definition |
skos:scopeNote | It is concerned with three main activities, namely measurement of length, levelling, and angular measurements. Land surveying comprises geodetic surveying, topographic surveying, photogrammetry, cadastral surveying, hydrographic surveying and engineering surveying
prefLabel | altLabel | Lang |
land surveying |
en | |
Agrimensura |
Estudios sobre la tierra Estudios topográficos |
es |
arpentage |
levé de terrain |
fr |
مسح الأراضي |
ar | |
наземная съемка |
ru | |
土地测量 |
土地调查 |
zh |
arazi ölçümü |
tr | |
Agrimensura |
it | |
upimaji wa ardhi |
sw | |
agrimensura |
pt | |
भूमि सर्वेक्षण |
hi | |
studiu topografic |
ridicare topografică |
ro |
Landvermessung |
de | |
agrimensura |
pt-BR |