Addition of links to FAO country briefs
FAO country briefs are designed to provide external users with a brief overview of the country's macroeconomic situation, its agricultural status and FAO's major in-country development activities and programmes. The briefs include the organizations' country-level initiatives such as national and regional food security programmes, targeted rural development activities, emerging threats to agricultural and human wellbeing in the form of transboundary animal and plant diseases and emergency and rehabilitation response efforts to sudden and slow-onset disasters, as well as protracted crises.
In addition, country briefs also illustrate FAO's ongoing efforts to improve strategic planning in the agriculture sector through the design and implementation of National Medium Term Priority Frameworks (NMTPF), which aim to align longer-term FAO interventions with the Government's priorities and policies.
When available, the link to the brief display in the 'General information' and 'Technical cooperation' of a FAO country profile. For example Tajikistan: