


4982 Members
  • Demba B Jallow

    National Agricultural Research Institute
    • 冈比亚
  • Demeke Haile Engidashet

    Dilla University
    (Dilla University)
    • 埃塞俄比亚
  • Demeke Nigussie Alemu

    Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
    (Researcher (GIS/RS))
    • 埃塞俄比亚
  • Demelash Areda

    Ottawa University
    • 美国
  • Demetrick Edwards

    Kyle’s Agro services
    • 美国
  • Demtew Etisa

    Addis Ababa
    • 埃塞俄比亚
  • Denber Getahun

    (Team Leader)
    • 埃塞俄比亚
  • Denise Mathiot

    Seychelles Fishing Authority - Documentation Centre
    • 塞舌尔
  • Denish Amone

    Amuru District Local Government
    (Agricultural Extension Officer)
    • 乌干达
  • Denish Odong

    Vision for Community Development and Resilience (VICODER)
    (Leading and managing the organization (outlining all the tasks to be fulfilled in the organization and referring back to the vision in order to help complete the tasks, and hiring and managing the rest of the staff). )
    • 乌干达
  • Dennis Daggett

    (Senior Vice-President)
    • 美国
  • Denys Slipetskyy

    Institute of Biology of the Southern seas
    (lead engineer)
    • 乌克兰
  • Deogatus "Ebube" Daniel

    Mzumbe University
    (Systems Librarian)
    • 坦桑尼亚联合共和国
  • Deogracius Ayilr

    Ypard Country Executive Committee Member
    (Deputy Mobilizer)
    • 乌干达
  • Dereje Derso

    Madda Walabu University
    (Assistant Professor)
    • 埃塞俄比亚