FAO joins the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) Education Committee

© FAO/Arete/Ismail Taxta
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) promotes the exchange of scientific research and technical knowledge related to all aspects of food and agriculture. During the past years FAO and The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) collaborated on promoting the work that FAO delivers on metadata and information sharing.
DCMI is a global community of metadata professionals that has a long history of fostering and supporting technical development and innovation through the activities of its community, often in partnership with other organizations.
In March 2022 FAO accepted the invitation from DCMI to join its Education Committee which coordinates activities and publications that teach and inform users about current developments and technologies for metadata. Imma Subirats, senior knowledge and information management officer at FAO, will participate in the committee as an expert to enhance accessibility and visibility to knowledge, information and data through the promotion of good practices on the use of metadata principles.
As Professor Sam Oh, Executive Director of DCMI, points out:
Ensuring food security in an age of climate disruptions will require timely access to information in largely low-resource conditions, an area where FAO is a global leader. DCMI stands for metadata solutions both practical and interoperable, and for disseminating those solutions to new generations through education.
FAO’s AGROVOC, AGRIS, AGORA, AGRIS Application Profile, Linked Open Data Enabled Bibliographical Data (LODE-BD), AIMS Webinars and Online Courses fit with DCMI’s interests and goals, contributing to the DCMI community especially through the DCMI Education Committee’s efforts.