AIMS Newsletter no.63, June 2017

Photo by PEXELS licensed under CC0 License


Dear Reader!

This issue is pleased to provide you with a quick update on the AgroPortal project. Additionally, the current Newsletter offers some insights into several mission-related initiatives and events – in Information, Knowledge and Data Management Sectors (in Agriculture and beyond) – mainstreaming impact through shared knowledge about projects, good practices, services, infrastructures, at a global level. 


The AgroPortal project re-uses the biomedical domain’s semantic tools and insights to serve plant, agronomic, food, biodiversity, and possibly animal sciences. The goal of the project is to facilitate the adoption of metadata and semantics to facilitate open science in agronomy.

By enabling straightforward use of agronomical ontologies, AgroPortal lets data managers and researchers focus on their tasks, without requiring them to deal with the complex engineering work needed for ontology management. AgroPortal offers a robust and reliable service to the community that provides ontology hosting, search, versioning, visualization, comment, and recommendation; enables semantic annotation; stores and exploits ontology alignments; and enables interoperation with the semantic web. The vision of AgroPortal is to facilitate the integrated use of all vocabularies and ontologies related to agriculture, regardless of their source, format, or content type.

To build AgroPortal ontology repository and services platform, the openly available NCBO BioPortal technology has been reused.  AgroPortal addresses community requirements especially the one expressed within five agronomic driving use cases involving important research organizations in agriculture such as Bioversity International (CGIAR)French INRA, and United Nations FAO.

The latest version (v1.3) of an advanced prototype AgroPortal platform was released in March 2017.  You can find some synthesized information here. The platform currently hosts 64 ontologies, including 45 not present in any similar ontology repository (like NCBO BioPortal), and 8 private ontologies. AgroPortal has identified 95 other candidate ontologies and imports daily new ones while involving/informing the original ontology developers. The platform already has 56 registered users.


Clement Jonquet , Anne Toulet,  Vincent Emonet, Two years after: a review of vocabularies and ontologies in AgroPortal, International Workshop on sources and data integration in agriculture, food and environment using ontologies, IN-OVIVE'17, Montpellier, France, July 2017.   

AgroPortal - Documentation - Ontology metadata.

The first release of the AgroPortal - a reference ontology repository dedicated to the requirements of the agronomic/plant community. Use AgroPortal to access and share ontologies!

AgroPortal 1.2 (beta) Released - an Ontology Portal for Agronomy. 

APPLY NOW ! The NUMEV Labex  and AgroPortal project  which builds an ontology repository for agronomy are offering a 1-year PostDoc position for 2017-2018 in Montpellier, to work on agronomical ontologies and their alignments. 


@ "To simplify daily management of products catalogs for farmers and food hubs, we need platforms to be able to share data... The solution would be to define a meta-ontology encompassing all the specific ontologies used by every actor", - Interoperate our platforms... DATA FOOD CONSORTIUM.  

@"The use of metadata has the purpose of documenting and organizing a structured organizational data in order to minimize duplication of efforts to locate them and to facilitate maintenance...", Big and Meta Data Management for U-Agriculture Mobile Services


Below you will find a selection of news published on AIMS. The full news listing can be read here*. 

Guidelines for Data Management Plan from SNSF : learning from each other

find out more

I4OC : supporting openly accessible citations

find out more

Webinar recording : AGRIS : Creating a user profile and exploring possibilities of AGRIS data

find out more

CGIAR Big Data for Agriculture Platform is launched !

find out more

Developing Food platforms Interoperability: from Data to Decisions

find out more


From BUZZWORDS to STRATEGIES : a matter of perspective ... stay informed

BUZZWORDS are actively fragmenting into different mission-related initiatives and events mainstreaming trend impact through shared experiences and lessons learned,  projects and programmes, services and infrastructures, implementation strategies and capitalization of good practices … and much more, at a global level. 

The current trends, or rather strategic thematic areas in Information-, Knowledge-, and (Research) Data Management are inextricably tied and one shouldn't take precedence over the other.

AIMS continues to encourage Information-, Knowledge-, and (Research) Data  communities to build solutions with Open and FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) in mind from the outset.

Making Science Open is not just Open Access to papers and data! Open Science also implies making science FAIR and Interoperable. Open-related data not only becomes an increasingly ascendant form of data sharing and distribution paradigms to present the potentials for building inclusive, open and diverse Knowledge Societies, but also is key in creating interoperability among distributed trusted information infrastructures

@"Science advice is most effective when scientists and policy-makers work in a consultative way. Building links with policy-makers requires patience and resources, so scientists must be supported in their efforts to forge such links", - Prof. Pearl Dykstra, SciCom: making sense of science

Open Science (see Open Science Monitor) is important not only for researchers - but also  for funders, research administrators and decision makers. But how can shared open data and links (Linked Science) add value for Open Science in practice? How can institutions and researchers ensure that their data are transparent, trustworthy,  while respecting ethical principles

Ethics & Principles for Science & Society Policy-Making. The BrusselsDeclaration, 2017 (a set of ethics and principles to inform work at the boundaries of science, society and policy).

Are the FAIR Data Principles Fair? Webinar recording is now available online.

Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020.

Once the benefits of sharing data have been explained, institutions, researchers, data owners should be clear about how their data will be used.

"Open data has to have a license that says it is open data", - Open Data Institute.

LICENTIA: a web site to choose the License for your data.

National research systems should be able to exchange quality metadata in a standard format and with persistent identifiers, a majority of researchers - with ORCIDs, a growing proportion of enhanced publications - in Open Access.

An EUDAT-based FAIR Data Approach for Data Interoperability.

Free ETD+ Toolkit helps you to store and maintain your research outputs in reliable and trustworthy way.

FAIR Data Principles do not require researchers to share all their data without any restrictions. Rather they advocate applying a standard procedure when sharing research data for reuse, so that humans and computer systems can easily find, interpret and use them under clearly defined conditions.

Legal issues on Open Research Data: How Open and FAIR is your dataset?

FAIR data treatment and training with Dutch Techcenter For Life Sciences.

FAIR principles for data stewardship.

Data Management Plans (DMPs) are meant to encourage researchers to reflect on the lifecycle of their data before starting out on their project. If the data have already been published, they should be made available in non-commercial, digital databases along with the metadata.

EUDAT B2SHARE will support you in developing your Data Management Plan, as it includes a built-in license wizard that facilitates the selection of an adequate license for research data.

Data Management General Guidance (DCC).

Get your free copy of Research Data Management Toolkit.

DMP Online Tool.

Checklist for RDM-Planning.

Elements of a RDM-plan.

Framework for creating a Data Management Plan.

How to create a good Data Management Plan.

The European  Open Science Cloud (EOSC) for Research Pilot will improve interoperability between data infrastructures by progressing and demonstrating how data and resources can be shared even when they are large and complex and in varied formats.

As the entire structure of publishing is built upon respect of the author's wishes, authors/data owners/institutions/communities that do not make their work open or make it partially open - should be respected.

RightsDirect: A Copyright Clearance Center Subsidiary.

Modernisation of the EU copyright rules.

Copyright Clearance Center Launches Text Mining Solution.

The Ethics Helpdesk (select subject 13. Ethics in the enquiry form) provides information on ethical issues and offers consultation on the ethical aspects of EU-funded research and innovation projects. The helpdesk assists scientists to meet the EU and international ethical standards as outlined in the Ethics section of the H2020 Online Manual. Ethical advice is offered on the basis of the relevant legal documents.

Below is a selection of events and initiatives (June 2017) running a global awareness-raising and advocacy campaign aiming to put core trends in Information-, Knowledge- and Data Management Sectors at the centre of the adaptation agenda at international level. So be invited to get the story told..:



FAIR principles,
Data curation,
Research Data Management ...

RDA Europe - ENVRI Summer School On Data Management And Data Science, 12-16 June 2017, Helsinki/Espoo, Finland

RDA-Europe / BlueBRIDGE Datathon On Fisheries And Aquaculture, 15-16 June 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

4th Research Data Network Event, 27 - 28 June 2017, York, United Kingdom

Open ...

International Conference on Electronic Publishing (Elpub) 2017, 6 - 8 June 2017, Limassol, Cyprus

Open Repositories Conference, 26 - 30 June 2017, Brisbane, Australia 

Capacity Development
Creative Education ...

Innovative and Creative Education and Teaching International Conference, 21 - 23 June 2017, Badajoz, Spain

UNITAR, free and open cources: Global framework for climate services; Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) E-Course, etc.

FAO Capacity Development: Learning Materials, Learning Courses, Practical Tools, E-Learning Centre.

Big Data

Cloud services

Preservation ...

@ 2nd NIST Big Data Interoperability Framework Workshop: Towards A Standard Ecosystem For Big Data Applications And Analytics, June 1-2, 2017 at NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland

DPASSH 2017 Conference - Preserving Abundance: The Challenge Of Saving Everything, 14-15 June 2017, Brighton, UK

20th International Conference on Big Data Analytics for Business Information Systems, 28 - 30 June 2017, Poznan, Poland

Interoperability ...

2017 AES International Conference on Semantic Audio, 22 - 24 June 2017, Erlangen, Germany

@  Fourth International Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives and Museums (LODLAM) Summit, 28 - 29 June 2017, Venice, Italy

11th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research, 15th June 2017 : Submission deadline for papers.

Digital Information Communication Technology and Applications ...

@RDA EU And IoT Forum Workshop On Globally Interoperable IoT Identification And Data Processing, 6 June 2017, @IoT Week 2017, Geneva, Switzerland

@17th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL '17), 19 - 23 June 2017, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and Applications (DICTAP2017) , 29 June - 1 July 2017, Bratislava, Slovakia


AGROVOC has been made available in the AgroPortal ontology repository for agronomy which supports multiple services for knowledge organization systems. AGROVOC is a controlled vocabulary covering all areas of interest of the FAO of the United Nations, including food, nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, environment etc. It is published by FAO and edited by a community of experts. 

FAO-AIMS VEST/AgroPortal Map of Standards is a global map of standards - relevant to exchange of agriculture and nutrition data - is the continuation of the FAO VEST Registry under the GODAN Action umbrella.

Search/browse and contribute on the AIMS portal.

FAO TERM PORTAL - Organic agriculture is this online thematic collection that contains the concepts have been selected from FAO and international documents and publications on organic agriculture, as well as from the proceedings of meetings of experts on related issues.

The Glossary of Biotechnology for Food and Agriculture is a collection of terminology associated with the rapidly expanding fields related to or deriving from biotechnology and genetic engineering, was stimulated by the difficulty of communicating effectively in discussions at intergovernmental level.

EnvO is a community ontology for the concise, controlled description of environments. If you're hunting for a term, visit the Browse page. If you would like to download and work with EnvO, you'll find the necessary files in the Downloads section. Send new terms with their proposed position in the ontology and proposed definitions through Participate page. 

The aim of ‘OK-Net Arable’ is to increase productivity and quality in organic arable cropping by: improving the exchange of knowledge among farmers, farm advisers and scientists; facilitating farmer-to-farmer learning. 

The geopolitical ontology module maker service allows the users to easily extract modules of the FAO geopolitical ontology and export them into CSV formats.


FAO Video Library is an FAO Web page with an embedded YouTube channel.

The FAO is the largest specialized agency of the UN and is responsible for all matters relating to food and agriculture including fisheries, marine products, forestry and forestry products. 

Browse United Nations Sustainable Development Videos by issues :  Biodiversity, forests, desertification - Climate change - Education - Energy Health - Hunger and food security Oceans Poverty - Sustainable consumption and production - Sustainable development agenda - Water and sanitation ..

GODAN's Youtube channel

Watch the latest #opendata for #agriculture #nutrition videos!  GODAN Documentary web series are created with farmOS: open source web-based application for farm management, planning, and record keeping. 

GODAN supports the proactive sharing of open data to make information about agriculture and nutrition available, accessible and usable.

OpenChannels Videos and Webinars is designed to be highly focused on user needs aiming to provide access to all the information that ocean planners and managers need to do their jobs most effectively, including existing high-quality content and new information products and services.
FAO/INFOODS e-Learning Course on Food Composition Data aims to close the knowledge gap on food composition of nutritionists and all those generating, compiling or using food composition data. You can download the e-learning course, access it on-line or order a CD through the FAO e-learning website.

Let us know about  high-quality videos created by organizations highlighting thematic areas relevant to information management (Open Data, Open Access, Open Science, Big Data, interoperability issues, FAIR data etc.), agriculture,  forestry, fisheries and related themes (food security, land use, environment, etc.). To submit your video, please send a file transfer to [email protected]


Introducing ORCIDby John Bohannon, Kirk Doran, Science AAAS, May 2017

Big Data 2017: Top 100 Influencers and Brands: What are the Influencers Saying? ONALYTICA 

Developing Metadata Application Profiles, by Mariana Curado Malta, Ana Alice Baptista, Paul Walk, AWTE Book Series, 2017

LIVIVO – the Vertical Search Engine for Life Sciences [Dictionaries with concepts as well as relations of concepts are derived from MeSH, AGROVOC, and DrugBank] by Bernd Müller, Christoph Poley, Jana Pössel et al., SpringerLink, March 2017, Volume 17, Issue 1

What is open peer review? A systematic review, by Tony Ross-Hellauer, F1000Research, 2017

Adopting a Distributed Model for Data Services, by Casey Gibbs, Marcos Hernandez, Pongracz Sennyey, Code4Lib Journal, Issue 35, 2017
Web Annotation Vocabulary (specifies the set of RDF classes, predicates and named entities that are used by the Web Annotation Data Model [annotation-model]), W3C Recommendation, 23 February, 2017
Vocabularies and the ‘I’ in ‘FAIR Data principles’, by Hugo Besemer, Wageningen University & Research, OpenScince Blog, 2016

Research Data Management, by Carly Strasser, NISO, 2015 


 E-LIS F1000Research - OKAD; F1000Research - GODAN; AGORA

# Items in E-LIS may be browsed by the following: Author -- Subject -- Countries -- Year -- Conference -- Conference by name

# Items in F1000Research OKAD channel and GODAN channel may be browsed by the following:  Articles -- Posters -- Slides

Here you can find useful RESEARCH developed expressedly by and/or for GODAN, together with relevant research produced by partners.

Register / Log in to read / download full access articles from AGORA online channel

* To receive automatically alerts about AIMS news in your mail-box :  (1) Become AIMS member (2) Sign up (3) click ‘My Page’ (4) click ‘Manage my subscriptions’ (4) check on topics of your interest.

The scope of the AIMS Newsletter is to bring under the attention of the AIMS community recent news, events and achievements in the field of agricultural information management. If you have any contribution, suggestion, or need assistance with the newsletter, please contact us at [email protected]. You received this message because you are subscribed to the AIMS Newsletter.