Join AGRIS discussion group on Dgroups !

The AGRIS Network discussion group was set up 2 May 2017. Join AGRIS DGroups here. Collectively, we have the potential to increase the value of agricultural and related information resources, efficiently manage natural resources, and improve rural workers’ livelihoods!
AGRIS : the International System for Agricultural Science and Technology
AGRIS at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is the service that connects you directly to a wealth of research and technical information on agriculture worldwide. AGRIS is unique for its collection of rich bibliographic records, indexed by AGROVOC, the FAO multilingual agricultural thesaurus.
Content in AGRIS includes agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, aquatic sciences, fisheries, human nutrition and extension. AGRIS offers currently almost 9,000,000 records, from which almost 2,000,000 are full text accessed through Google.
Information resources presented in AGRIS are produced by research centers, development programs, international and national organizations.
Some 400,000 agricultural and research professionals worldwide access AGRIS resources each month, and through AGRIS references on search engines and Google Scholar.
# New release of AGRIS is planned before August, submit your data soon! |
AGRIS is also a collaborative network of more than 360 Institutions from 144 countries. The development towards a social AGRIS also falls into trends within similar services in literature search.
AGRIS Dgroups
AGRIS DGroups is a formal communication channel and a discussion pad for issues concerning AGRIS and related news of interests to AGRIS users. Through AGRIS DGroups, AGRIS team sees potential in having AGRIS sparking debates and collaborations based on AGRIS content!
The AGRIS Dgroups can also be seen as a part of the efforts to dynamize and consolidate the AGRIS activities and multi-stakeholder partnerships in agricultural research for development, to increase the quantity and quality of joint proposals.
Hence we encourage you to take up this opportunity to register to AGRIS Dgroups and are looking forward to your active participation!
# To create your account on AGRIS Dgroups, please click the following link: # By creating an account, you agree to FAO's Privacy Policy |
To Support You Better On The Use Of AGRIS ...
The AGRIS team is now working on consolidating the AGRIS platform and its services to provide better access and visibility to the resources that are being disseminated through AGRIS.
Hence, we would be very pleased to receive your suggestions* on how AGRIS service could serve you better!
* Please take particular note of the following:
Beginning June 1st, 2017, all AGRIS-related communication and requests are handled by the FAO team.
- To share news to other all the users on AGRIS Networks on Dgroups, please send an email to [email protected] so you’re your message and address go to the whole group. As a registered user, you can also upload new files to the community library;
- You can always contact AGRIS Network Administrators directly through [email protected]
- For specific details or queries please send e-mails to [email protected]
Last but not least. AGRIS technical : latest improvements
This is the list of major technical improvements: AGRIS team will periodically (and in due course) share developments as they emerge. |
We would highly appreciate, if you could kindly bring the following announcement to the notice of interested parties and also request you to encourage the current and potential AGRIS users to register to AGRIS Dgroups!
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