Workshop at IDCC 18 : How Research Institutions & Libraries can help deliver the European Open Science Cloud - registration is open !

LIBER, within the framework of the European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project (EOSCpilot), is organising the workshop: “How Research Institutions and Libraries can help deliver the European Open Science Cloud” during the IDCC18 Conference to take place in Barcelona in February 2018.
About the workshop
- DATE : 19th of February 2018
- TIME : 13:30 – 16:30
- PLACE : NH Collection Barcelona Tower, Floor -1, Jim Mao, Petronas & Liberty
The Workshop is organised on behalf of the EOSCPilot project to discuss the role of research libraries, academic institutions and other research-performing organisations – the key intermediaries between researchers and service providers – in fostering the uptake of the EOSC.
Learn more about EOSC: EC Communication on European Cloud Initiatives |
The Workshop format will be very interactive. An initial presentation session will set the scene and will introduce and clarify the elements of the EOSC to the participating stakeholders. A breakout session will allow the participants to discuss issues and benefits of the EOSC and provide feedback about its future developments.
About the IDCC18 Conference
The 13th International Digital Curation Conference “Beyond FAIR – from principles to practice to global join up” will take place on 19-22 February 2018 in Barcelona (NH Collection Barcelona Tower).
The Conference brings together digital curation professionals and educators with data producers and consumers to consider digital curation in a multi-disciplinary context.
Invitation to the INTEREST GROUP in AGRICULTURAL DATA (IGAD) Pre-Meeting RDA P11 dedicated to the theme “The FAIR principles to all elements of the research process in agricultural sciences and related disciplines" (submit your short proposal by 15th of January 2018)
- LIBER Endorses the European Open Science Cloud Declaration
- Today, the Commission made the EOSC Declaration (
118 KB) available to all scientific stakeholders, for their endorsement and commitments to the realisation of the EOSC by 2020.
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