Property | Value |
rdf:type | skos:Concept
skos:inScheme |
skos:broader |
Property | Value |
dcterms:created | 2018-07-18T14:16:57Z
dcterms:modified | 2024-09-30T11:30:42Z
void:inDataset |
skos:definition | |
skos:scopeNote | Although used universally as a method of uniting a potted unde rstock with a dormant or succulent scion of similar diameter, it may be applied as a method of working smaller scion material with large-diameter roots. stems, or petioles. The side graft and the veneer graft are two of the types which have been classified as lateral grafts
prefLabel | altLabel | Lang |
side grafting |
lateral grafting |
en |
تطعيم جانبى |
ar | |
Injerto lateral |
es | |
greffage par perforation latérale |
fr | |
腹接 |
zh | |
seitliches Anplatten |
de | |
kenar aşı |
yan aşı kenar (yan) aşı |
tr |
altoire laterală |
ro | |
Innesto a spacco laterale |
it | |
прививка сближением |
аблактировка прививка в боковой зарез |
ru |