Property | Value |
dcterms:created | 2019-09-04T12:02:37
dcterms:modified | 2024-12-29T19:20:04
void:inDataset |
skos:definition | |
skos:scopeNote | Pâcla este un fenomen puÈin diferit de ceaÈÄ. Pâcla este o suspensie de particule solide extrem de mici în aer, nu picÄturi de apÄ. Aceste particule sun invizibile cu ochiul liber, dar suficient de multe pentru a conferi aerului un aspect opalescent.
Haze is a slightly different phenomenon than fog. Haze is a suspension of extremely small, dry particles in the air, not water droplets. These particles are invisible to the naked eye, but sufficient to give the air an opalescent appearance. |
prefLabel | altLabel | Lang |
haze |
atmospheric turbidity |
en |
سَدِيم |
ar | |
brume sèche |
fr | |
阴霾 |
zh | |
легкий туман |
ru | |
Neblina |
es | |
dis |
nb | |
jemná mlha |
atmosférický zákal |
cs |
pus |
ince sis atmosfer bulanıklığı |
tr |
Dunst |
de | |
pâclă |
ro | |
utusitusi |
sw |