Property | Value |
rdf:type | skos:Concept
skos:inScheme |
skos:broader |
skos:related |
Property | Value |
dcterms:created | 2018-05-25T11:41:36Z
dcterms:modified | 2025-02-10T08:58:47
void:inDataset |
skos:note | The enforcement of traceability implies the development of systems giving information on the entire life cycle of food products, "from the farm -or the sea- to the fork" (COFI:FT/VIII/2002/7, Traceability of Products from Fisheries and Aquaculture, Committee on Fisheries, Sub-Committee on Fish Trade, FAO, 2002)
prefLabel | altLabel | Lang |
from sea to the fork |
en | |
من البحر إلى المائدة |
ar | |
Desde el mar hasta la mesa |
es | |
de la mer à l'assiette |
fr | |
dal mare alla tavola |
it | |
от моря до стола |
ru | |
从海洋到餐桌 |
zh | |
denizden çatala |
tr | |
vom Meer auf den Teller |
de | |
kutoka baharini hadi kwenye uma |
sw | |
ад мора да стала |
be |