26 July : Webinar : FAIRdata Community Session

on Wednesday 26th July from 10:00-12:00 CEST.
The FAIR Data Expert Group is requested by the European Commission to develop a plan how the FAIR principles can finally be put into action and change our data practices. The group identified 9 focus points that the report should include, and started mentioning relevant points for all these focus points to kick off a broader discussion.
Therefore, the Group launched this Call for Contributions (which is also available here).
Some of you have already responded to it, and the group is thankful for that, while inviting further responses.
Knowing that the terminology to describe aspects of the data landscape is so diverse and that conceptualisations differ dependent on the background of the interested stakeholders, we did not want to only rely on written statements, but to also offer verbal interaction possibilities.
Therefore, the following sessions have been scheduled where members of the expert group will be available to listen to your issues and to discuss all aspects which are relevant to fulfill the group's mission.
How to connect
Please register here. You will then receive an email with a personalized link to join the Webinar. You can check here whether your system is configured to attend such meetings.
Notes for the session will be taken collaboratively by way of this Google doc.
It does not require having an account - just type away and add your name to the Attendees section as well as your comments and suggestions to the Agenda section.
Webinar sign in link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3736763218412786433 .
For latest updates on the community sessions, check https://github.com/FAIR-Data-EG/consultation/blob/master/community-sessions.md