AGROVOC December 2018 release is out. With 36,013 concepts!

FAO AGROVOC team takes this opportunity to inform you about the FAO AGROVOC December 2018 release. Starting April 2017, the FAO AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus has been updated on a monthly basis (see all AGROVOC releases).
Browse AGROVOC with SKOSMOS! We want AGROVOC to be useful and relevant for Your work!
As of December 2018, AGROVOC counts:
covering (in up to 30 languages!) topics related to food, nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, environment and related sectors. |
Quite a few people use agrovoc-test to see the AGROVOC backend. In case you use VocBench: please note that AGROVOC content editing is now on VocBench3. A new registration for VocBench3 is needed. Web services and SKOSMOS links have not changed.
Please note that in case you have an AGROVOC test account, agrovoc-test has just been populated with December release data. If you ever need to suggest a new concept and are not an AGROVOC Editor, please remember that you can also do it by email to [email protected]. Please send the suggested new concept in English, with any translations available, suggested broader term if possible, and the definition with source (the more information, the better!). It will then be reviewed.
We want AGROVOC concepts/terms to be useful and relevant for Your work!
AGROVOC Editorial Guidelines might be helpful |
- If you need more information, just contact us at [email protected]
Join AGROVOC DGroups and share AGROVOC- and other semantics-related news |
The AGROVOC Team would like to express its gratitude to all AGROVOC Editors who are constantly contributing to AGROVOC releases, as well as to the ART: Artificial Intelligence Research group that provides technical support for AGROVOC Web services page. You also may want to look at the WSDL file for the AGROVOC Web Services.
- AIMS.FAO.ORG releases page on AGROVOC:
- Vocbench3:
Achievements, impact and strategy for AGROVOC’s future (2018)
- VocBench 3 - a free and open source platform for editing ontologies, thesauri and RDF datasets - is now available for download
- Official Vocbench3 documentation
- ISA2 VocBench 3 helps managing multilingual controlled vocabularies in an interoperable way
- Unleashing AGROVOC semantics coverage in Turkish
- What and Why Technology is important to push the development of AGROVOC Thesaurus
- AGROVOC and other community agreements for agrifood & related sectors
- AGROVOC: some use cases
- Thesaurus Maintenance, Alignment and Publication as Linked Open Data (LOD): The AGROVOC Use Case
- The role of AGROVOC and other LOD vocabularies in architectural models of interoperability
- Discover open Land Linked Datasets shared by the Land Portal (Linked Data LandVoc = AGROVOC subset)
- A long way towards and with AGRIS and AGROVOC in Ukraine
- The total number of AGRIS records reaches 9,257,658 (November 2018). AGRIS (International Information System for the Agricultural Science and Technology) is a free of charge service that provides access and visibility to research information resources in agricultural and related sectors. 85 % of all AGRIS records are indexed by AGROVOC
- Looking for open access publications about agriculture, nutrition, and food security? Check out CGSpaceResearch
- 200 years of Flora: free access to all articles in ELSEVIER
- AgroPortal: a backbone for data integration and standardization in Agronomy
- AgroPortal : Harnessing the Power of Metadata to Visualize the Landscape of Agronomical Ontologies
- Crop Ontology: harmonizing semantics for phenotyping and agronomy data
- CAB Thesaurus 2018 edition published (with 2.8 million total terms)
- MarineTLO - a top-level Ontology for the marine domain
- : Basel Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classification
- FAIRsharing Registry and Recommendations: Interlinking Standards, Databases and Data Policies
- FAIRsharing : Find, Register, Claim your Standard, Database, and Policy
- NISO TR-06-2017: Issues in Vocabulary Management. AGROVOC thesaurus in "Vocabulary Preservation" Section
- Semantic Interoperability
- How to select appropriate encoding strategies for producing Linked Open Data (LOD)-enabled bibliographic data
- The slides from the 18th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop presentations
- Proceedings SEMANTiCS Vienna2018
- Proceedings of ISWC 2018
- Data Management concepts and terms: discover Data Thesaurus
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