GDPR guide for Open Journal Systems users

The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) has produced a useful GDPR guide for Open Journal Systems users, - on how to approach the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect on May 25, 2018.

In particular, this guide describes:
- where and how user data is collected,
- GDPR implications,
- configuration recommendations to comply with the GDPR, and
- some news on pending dev tickets to better support GDPR on the platform.
- GDPR & What It Means For Researchers (recorded LIBER webinar, 2018)
- General Data Protection Regulation: Guidance to DGroups Foundation from WA-Research
- The Dgroups Foundation has updated its Terms of Engagement/Privacy Policy to reflect the new changes due to GDPR (If you have further questions, please contact the Dgroups Coordination team at:
- European Commission - Press release - Digital Single Market: EU negotiators reach a political agreement on free flow of non-personal data (Brussels, 19 June 2018)
- A case against the General Data Protection Regulation argues that a lack of data will make web-surfing less personalised (BROOKINGS, June 11, 2018)
- CogX 2018 - Closing the Intelligence Gap: what data privacy rights look like (Interview with Jeni Tennison, CEO, Open Data Institute)
- Regulation of Cross-Border Transfers of Personal Data in Asia (June, 2018) edited by Clarisse Girot, Asian Business Law Institute, Singapore, ISBN: 9789811173110
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