The Agrontology: technical overview
Example of Agrontology properties
FAO, 2023
The Agrontology is a description vocabulary defined in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) providing a set of domain-specific properties for agri-food related concepts. It is maintained by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as a living ontology, enriched and improved based on users' feedback.
The Agrontology adds a semantic layer to any agri-food vocabulary or dataset that needs to represent domain-specific relations between entities of any kind (concepts, classes) in the areas covered by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Figure 1. Example of non-hierarchical domain-specific relations represented by Agrontology properties. Source: FAO, 2023
The Agrontology includes 170 properties. The types of relationships that are covered are: process, causative, quantitative, spatial, taxonomic, partitive.
Examples of the semantics that the Agrontology can represent:
- Irrigation is a practice for flooded rice and influences soil salinization:
“irrigation” (concept) “is practice for” (Agrontology property) “flooded rice” (concept)
“irrigation” (concept) - “influences” (Agrontology property) - ”soil salinization” (concept) - Rain causes lodging and lodging causes crop losses:
“rain” (concept) “causes” (Agrontology property) “lodging” (concept)
“lodging” (concept) “causes” (Agrontology property) “crop losses” (concept)
Looking at plant diseases:
- Huanglongbing is an economically important, vector-borne disease of citrus.
“huanglongbing” (concept) “is disease for” (Agrontology property) “Rutaceae” (concept)
“huanglongbing” (concept) “has vector or host” (Agrontology property) - ”Diaphorina citri” (concept) and “Trioza erytreae” (concept) - “Liberibacter” (concept) “causes” (Agrontology property) “huanglongbing” (concept)
Using URIs from the National Agricultural Library (NAL) Thesaurus, this could be illustrated as
- “greening disease” (concept “is disease for” (Agrontology property) “Rutaceae” (concept
- )
“greening disease” (concept “has vector or host” (Agrontology property) - ”Diaphorina citri” (concept and “Trioza erytreae” (concept - “Candidatus Liberibacter” (concept “causes” (Agrontology property) “greening disease” (concept
And this is a possible RDF serialization (in turtle):
@prefix agrontology: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix nalt: <>
agrontology:isDiseaseFor a owl:ObjectProperty;
rdfs:label "Is disease for"@en.
agrontology:hasHost a owl:ObjectProperty;
rdfs:label "Has vector or host"@en.
agrontology:causes a owl:ObjectProperty;
rdfs:label "Causes"@en.
nalt:21818 a skos:Concept;
skos:prefLabel "greening disease"@en;
agrontology:isDiseaseFor nalt:3001;
agrontology:hasHost nalt:12935;
agrontology:hasHost nalt:66440.
nalt:3001 a skos:Concept;
skos:prefLabel "Rutaceae"@en.
nalt:12935 a skos:Concept;
skos:prefLabel "Diaphorina citri"@en.
nalt:66440 a skos:Concept;
skos:prefLabel "Trioza erytreae"@en.
nalt:21812 a skos:Concept;
skos:prefLabel "Candidatus Liberibacter"@en;
agrontology:causes nalt:21818.
Using the Agrontology, agricultural specialist knowledge can be coded in a computer-readable way, and for example be used by expert systems (source: DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.21139.60969).
The Agrontology can also be used outside agriculture: “hand hygiene” (concept) is included in (Agrontology property) “non-pharmaceutical interventions” (concept) and prevents (Agrontology property) “disease transmission” (concept) .
“These non-hierarchical relations express a notion of ‘relatedness’ between concepts. When applied correctly, these additional relationships provide more context and richness to the dataset" (source:
A subset of the Agrontology is used for instance in the AGROVOC thesaurus to express domain-specific relations between concepts. Property labels and definitions for the 72 properties in that subset are available in the OWL file in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.
Figure 2. Subset of Agrontology properties grouped by type. Source: FAO, 2022
The URI of the Agrontology ontology is: and its namespace is
Ownership, license and maintenance
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is responsible for the maintenance of the Agrontology. The Agrontology is distributed under a CC-BY-4.0 license.
The Agrontology ontology is maintained by FAO in VocBench 3, a web-based vocabulary management tool. VocBench fully supports multilinguality and embodies a formalized editorial workflow.
Feedback on the Agrontology is welcome: please contact [email protected].
Figure 3. The Agrontology is maintained in OWL in VocBench. Here, ”PestOf”. Source: FAO, 2024.