New Webinar@AIMS : "Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA): Helping Build the Global Research Community"
The AIMS team is pleased to announce the webinar "Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA): Helping Build the Global Research Community".
The webinar will present AGORA. AGORA is about providing access to otherwise commercial scholarly content and while AGORA includes many open access materials, it in itself is not an open access initiative. Over 2,400 institutions have registered for access to AGORA, which provides access up to 5,300 journals and up to 4,200 e-books. AGORA is designed to enhance the scholarship of the many thousands of students, faculty and researchers in agriculture and life sciences in the developing world.
The webinar addresses (agricultural) researchers, librarians, information management specialists, software developers, (agricultural) journal editors, related data providers and other interested people.
About the webinar
The objective of this webinar is to provide an overview of the AGORA programme for interested institutions in eligible countries.The webinar will present AGORA, a program to provide free or low cost access to major scientific journals in agriculture and related biological, environmental and social sciences to public institutions in developing countries.
The webinar focuses on the eligibility, registrations, terms of use, types of resources covered, the customer service desk and presenters will have time to answer questions from the participants
29th of May 2014 - 16:00 Rome Time (Use Time Converter to calculate the time difference between your location and Rome, Italy)
Johannes Keizer, AGORA Programme Manager and AIMS Team Leader, FAO with Kristin Kolshus, Information Management Specialist, and Florence Robertson, AGORA/R4L Communications Volunteer, FAO
How to join
The session is open to anyone but places are limited. If you are interested to attend the webinar, send an e-mail to [email protected], containing the following information:
- your name
- your affiliation
- your role
- your country
System requirements
Once you have requested to attend the webinar, you will receive an e-mail confirming your place with an URL access. Make sure that:
- you have good internet connection
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10; Mozilla Firefox; Google Chrome
- Adobe® Flash® Player 10.3. If in doubt, go to Checking system requirements of the web conferencing programme Adobe Connect.
This webinar is co-sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Research4Life