AGRIS adds 35,116 additional records and now boasts 11,749,285 total records.

The AGRIS team is thrilled to announce that today, 35,116 additional records from 20 data providers have been published in the International Information System for the Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS). AGRIS now boasts 11,749,285 total records.
In a world where the need for access and understanding of open data and data management becomes increasingly more important for food security and nutrition, the FAO Scientific Information and Digital Data for Innovation team behind AGRIS is thrilled to continue to provide access to nearly 12 million bibliographic records.
By participating in AGRIS, organizations’ publications are helping to bridge the access gap for scientific literature, exposing it to an international audience through the wide distribution of AGRIS. The AGRIS team wishes to thank all of the data providers that contributed to the addition of 35,116 new records (listed below):
Grupo Verde de Agroecologia e Abelhas (Green Group on Agroecology and Bees)
Library of Antonin Svehla
WFL Publisher Science and Technology
University of Birjand
Zanjan University of Medical Sciences
Korea Agricultural Science Digital Library
Fundamental Library of the Latvia University of Agriculture
University Library, University of the Philippines at Los Baños
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography
Matica Srpska Library
Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection
Central Scientific Agricultural Library, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Marina Sokolova Publishings
Modern Science Success
Dicle University
Aegean Agricultural Research Institute
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
In 2019, AGRIS launched the Open Data Set Initiative, which provides great opportunity to increase analysis of agricultural performance through the use of open data, and consequently help inform agricultural investment, innovation and policy to drive changes toward increasing sustainability in the agricultural sector, which matches the goal of living in a world with zero hunger.
The scientific information and data in AGRIS are used by an average of 600,000 users worldwide every month - and the number of partners continues to grow. AGRIS is also indexed and made accessible via Google Scholar, extending global access to scientific information and data.
More than 500 institutions including research centers, academic institutions, publishers, governmental bodies, development programmes, international and national organizations from 150 countries are currently contributing to AGRIS.
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