Become a Beyond Access member

Beyond Access aims to form a community from among the world’s most innovative public libraries that are working to address development challenges in their communities.

Apply to become a Beyond Access member

Beyond Access is now looking for new members, people who have demonstrated experience in unique library programs that address local community needs in the developing world and who have an enthusiasm for sharing and building upon their experience.

Applicants with strong government partnerships are especially encouraged to apply. The strength of each application will be evaluated in the context of selecting a Beyond Access community that is geographically diverse and demonstrates the wide range of libraries’ ability to address local development issues.

If you are a librarian or non-profit that works with a library, you can apply to become a Beyond Access member with eligibility for grant funding, travel to the Beyond Access 2012 conference in Washington, DC, and the chance to join a global community of library innovators. For more information go to

What are the benefits of a Beyond Access membership?

Members will be eligible to receive consulting and training resources, host relevant events in their country, and develop promotional materials for their activities. Additionally, members will receive full funding to attend the Beyond Access 2012 Conference in Washington, D.C. to showcase their work and compete for grant awards up to $10,000 aimed at scaling their accomplishments. Future global convening events are planned as well, and additional funding opportunities may also be available.

Libraries untapped resource for development

Most countries around the world, regardless of their size or level of development have public libraries. At a time of tight budgets, libraries offer a more efficient, smarter way of bringing forth development. The Beyond Access community will demonstrate on a global stage how libraries are an untapped resource for development.