BIO-Diverse : for Science, Education and Communication

The BIO-Diverse team is specialized in biodiversity research and in biodiversity knowledge transfer. It works on behalf of clients as well as in own projects, covering the whole spectrum of biodiversity topics with special reference on plants and fungi.
Biodiversity for food and agriculture includes the components of biological diversity that are essential for feeding human populations and improving the quality of life. It includes the variety and variability of ecosystems, animals, plants and micro-organisms, at the genetic, species and ecosystem levels, which are necessary to sustain human life as well as the key functions of ecosystems, - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations |
BIO-Diverse was born out of many years of research on biodiversity, experience with information management, as well as science communication and environmental education.
Currently, BIO-Diverse ...
… covers a wide spectrum of biodiversity topics from natural to agricultural sciences, with special reference on botany, ecology, bryology, lichenology, nature conservation, sustainability, climate change, land use and ecosystem services.
... works for the following target groups: SCIENCE, for EDUCATION and for ENTERPRISES, as project partner or as service provider.
… investigates biological diversity in the field and using data that have already been collected, and searchs for information in publications;
… develops strategies to communicate on biodiversity issues on different media (print and online) and for different target groups;
… plans and implements environmental education projects for children, youths and adults.
BIO-Diverse for SCIENCE:
Target groups:
BIO-Diverse & Research
BIO-Diverse for EDUCATION:
Target groups (an expert audience as well as to the general public):
BIO-Diverse & Research
Target groups:
BIO-Diverse & Research
For more information, please contact Bio-Diverse team
Source: Bio-Diverse
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