Data Management and Data skills training with Data Carpentry and ELIXIR

Data Carpentry is a partner of Software Carpentry designed to teach basic concepts, skills and tools for working more effectively with data. Data Carpentry aims to teach researchers to retrieve, view, manipulate, analyze and store their's and other's data in an open and reproducible way.
ELIXIR is an official Software and Data Carpentry partner, with a long-term commitment to the growth and spread of Software and Data Carpentry mission.
In many domains of research the rapid generation of large amounts of data is fundamentally changing how research is done. The deluge of data presents great opportunities, but also many challenges in managing, analyzing and sharing data ...
# ELIXIR ...
unites Europe’s leading life science organizations in managing and safeguarding the increasing volume of data being generated by publicly funded research. Through a single infrastructure, ELIXIR makes it easier for scientists to find and share data, exchange expertise, and agree on best practices.
ELIXIR infrastructure includes :
*** Training eSupport System (TeSS) portal is an example of an ELIXIR resource. TeSS is online training portal that gathers life science training materials and training courses from across Europe, and allows you to search it in one website.
... ELIXIR supplies a listing of Database Services provided by the ELIXIR Nodes that, based on clear eligibility criteria and best practice in service delivery, are visibly branded and provide the bioinformatics user community with a toolbox of stable and well-maintained services. |
One of the key ELIXIR's tasks is collaborative development and improvement of training materials, depending on the community needs. These needs are best gauged by the community members (represented by organisations) themselves. The ELIXIR Data and Software Carpentry Pilot (led by ELIXIR UK) has started in 2015 to leverage the work of the existing international Data Carpentry network in developing training programme for ELIXIR.
aims to teach researchers to retrieve, view, manipulate, analyze and store their's and other's data in an open and reproducible way. Researchers learn best when material is taught in their domain, so Data Carpentry workshops tend to be domain-specific. Data Carpentry currently has curriculum in :
Interested in learning more? See Data Carpentry Lessons page with links to all available lessons and information about topics and domains under development. These lessons are distributed under the CC-BY and are free for re-use or adaptation, with attribution. |
Data Carpentry is a volunteer effort. Find out ... how:
- You can be an instructor, help develop content, or support Data Carpentry.
- To host a workshop at your institution or organization
- FAIRsharing ! Discover and add Standards, Databases and Policies
- ISCB : Leading Professional Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Connecting, Training, Empowering, Worldwide
- The open source ISA framework and tools help to manage an increasingly diverse set of life science
- The ISA Commons is a growing community that uses the ISA metadata tracking framework to facilitate standards-compliant collection, curation, management and reuse of datasets in an increasingly diverse set of life science domains
- Articulating the value of DATA with the Australian National Data Service (ANDS)
- Interoperability Standards (UK Wellcome Trust)
- Making Data Broadly Usable (USA National Institutes of Health (NIH) Big Data to Knowledge Initiative (BD2K)
- NIH BDK2 "Fundamental for Data Science" (Youtube)
- FAIR principles define the characteristics that contemporary data resources, tools and infrastructures should exhibit to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable by third parties