RDA/IGA Virtual Meetings Continue Today and Tomorrow - Registration is still available

The Research Data Alliance (RDA) Interest Group on Agricultural Data (IGAD) meeting focusing on IGAD/RDA : Sharing Experiences and Creating Digital Dialogues, which was set to be held in Rome (Italy) in April 2020 is now taking place as a virtual meeting which began on, May 25 to May 28. The virtual meeting will provide an online platform to continue to build upon collaborations, knowledge sharing and developing innovations with activities including panel sessions, group discussions and presentations.
The Online Meetings will continue today and tomorrow. Please register for each session at the links given below. The meeting agenda is also available online. Once you are registered, you will receive the access link and a password to join the meeting.
Wednesday, May 27 - Europe/Asia 10:00 to 11:45 CEST Moderator: Richard Ostler, Rothamsted Research
Register at https://fao.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwpc-Ctpj4jHN2aUsyLuGWEHixvTrsYKoU2
Wednesday, May 27 - Americas/Asia 16:00 to 17:45 CEST Moderator: Cynthia Parr, USDA Agricultural Research Service
Register at https://fao.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMqfumqpzIuE9xmwRWaQ-Hb1mawXqU7Yy16
Thursday, May 28 – Africa 10:00 to 11:30 CEST Moderator: Chelsey Scalese, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Register at https://fao.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMqf-uvpjwiHtd1ENYEeV0U1s8_Iaa852rA
Thursday, May 28 - Closing Session. Communities of Practices with IGAD co-chairs 16:00 to 17:30 CEST Moderator: Patricia Bertin, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa
Register athttps://fao.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMtcOGqpzMqHN0WIXfhJ3WkfGCCXbI4Jo5c
About IGAD
One of IGAD’s main roles is to serve as a platform that leads to the creation of domain-specific Working Groups. To date, successful Working Groups (WGs) have been formed under IGAD, these are: Wheat Data Interoperability, Rice Data Interoperability, AgriSemantics and Capacity Development for Agricultural Data WGs. The groups play a key role in delivering Research Data Alliance’s (RDA) recommendations and good practices with regard to Agricultural Data Interoperability. Formed in 2013, since its inception the Interest Group on Agricultural Data (IGAD) has grown in community strength to over 200 members, becoming one of the RDA’s most prominent Thematic Groups.
Co-chairs of the Interest Group on Agriculture Data (IGAD), for the IGAD Task Force 2020:
- Patricia Rocha Bello Bertin (EMBRAPA, Brazil)
- Cynthia Parr (National Agricultural Library. USDA Agricultural Research Service, US)
- Imma Subirats Coll (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy)