Take Survey to Help identify Data Management practices and related challenges within the Rice Community

Dear AIMS Visitors ! Please, take a moment to answer this
QUESTIONNAIRE of the Rice Data Interoperability Working Group
of the RDA - Agricultural Data Interest Group (IGAD).
The QUESTIONNAIRE will be active till 20 October, but we encourage you to answer as soon as possible !
In order to get a large panel of answers from various disciplines and countries, we will be grateful if you could forward the link to your personal & professional networks.
Thank you very much for your time and collaboration !
The Rice Data Interoperability Working Group (WG) as part of the RDA - Agricultural Data Interest group (IGAD) is pleased to share with you an online QUESTIONNAIRE that aims to identify data management practices and related challenges within the rice community.
The Rice Research Data Interoperability WG aims to provide recommendations based on community-accepted standards, which ensure data analysis and data integration facilities.
Linking databases, platforms and big data from different stakeholder organizations could be helpful for thousands of rice research organizations across the globe especially in Asia and Africa.
The Rice Data Interoperability WG in collaboration with partners will work towards bridging the gaps in free data sharing and interoperability of rice research data.
The proposed recommendation framework will help describing, representing linking and publishing rice data with respect to open standards. Such a framework will promote and sustain rice data sharing, reusability and operability.
Feel free to join the Rice Data Interoperability Working Group (WG) by registering on the group page.
Related : Please Take Survey on Metrics and Indicators to help share Good Practices in the Agricultural context