
En el archivo del sitio web de AIMS pueden buscarse noticias sobre AIMS relacionadas con cualquier tema.

  • Public library links farmers to knowledge - Chile

    EIFL’s Public Library Innovation Programme(PLIP) supports libraries to implement community development projects. In May 2010 PLIP supported with a grant the ‘Communicating Farmers’ service of the Panguipulli Public Library in Chile. Already after one year, the project booked remarkable results. Farmers were not coming to the library The Roads ...
  • Error 502

    Estimados miembros: Estoy bajando los archivos de AGRIOCEAN y para tres archivos me arroja el error 502 "502. That’s an error. The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds. That’s all we know." He repetido las pruebas con Google Chrome, Mozila, ...
  • Survey on Improving Metadata Support in DSpace

    The DSpace community is currently holding a survey on how best to improve metadata support in the DSpace software. The goal of the survey is to clarify and build a consensus on what the priority and focus should be for future metadata improvements. While the survey is targeted at DSpace ...
  • New publications by AGROVOC team

    The AGROVOC team of AIMS has recently published the following two articles:   Armando Stellato, Ahsan Morshed, Gudrun Johannsen, Yves Jaques, Caterina Caracciolo, Sachit Rajbhandari, Imma Subirats, Johannes Keizer (2011). A Collaborative Framework for Managing and Publishing KOS. 10th European Networked Knowledge Organisation Systems (NKOS) Workshop, Berlin (Germany). Location in FAO CDR: ...
  • VOA3R/MTSR 2011 Controlled Experiment

    In the framework of the 4th International Workshop on Metadata and Semantics for Agriculture, Food and Environment, which will be hosted as a special track of MTSR 2011 Conference, the VOA3R project is organizing an open access review experiment, where an alternative review process for scientific papers will be used, ...