
En el archivo del sitio web de AIMS pueden buscarse noticias sobre AIMS relacionadas con cualquier tema.

  • Meeting in Berlin with Georgiy Kobilarov

    llI met this morning Georgi Kobilarov in the new offices of Uberblic on Erkelenzsamm 57, what is a kind of Silicon Valley in Kreuzberg. We made a recap of the workshop, which was hold in December in Rome, of the existing technologies present with Uberblic and the plans we have with ...
  • Project Idea: "A Linked Open Data Infrastructure for Food Safety Tracing"

    In my brainstorming meeting yesterday with colleagues from INIT, we developed the idea of a project with the working title "a Linked  Open Data Infrastructure for Food Safety Tracing". The idea was inspired by the recent scandals in Germany about dioxin in eggs and pigg meat. We want to pursue ...
  • Addition of links to FAO country briefs

    FAO country briefs are designed to provide external users with a brief overview of the country's macroeconomic situation, its agricultural status and FAO's major in-country development activities and programmes. The briefs include the organizations' country-level initiatives such as national and regional food security programmes, targeted rural development activities, emerging threats ...
  • Report from LIMA workshop

    These comments and recommendations derive from discussions held during the workshop of LA community of users in Lima, and my work with users of WB in Iquitos and LIma.      Distributed maintenance of AGROVOC: copyrights and credits   As the WB allows for wider collaboration around AGROVOC, people ask how copyright and ...