Biology Research Network BioRN is launched : get involved !

On 7 June, 2017 SSRN announced the creation of New Biology Research Network (BioRN), in line with Social Science Network. It will provide a worldwide, online community for biology research and the intersection of biology and other sciences, following the model of other subject matter networks within SSRN.
What does SSRN Managing Director, Gregg Gordon say about BioRN @ SSRN? Join his live webinar June 21 at 8:00 pm EDT.
SSRN's* objective is to provide rapid, worldwide distribution of research to authors and their readers and to facilitate communication among them at the lowest possible cost. In pursuit of this objective, SSRn allows authors to upload papers without charge. And, any paper an author uploads to SSRN is downloadable for free, worldwide. SSRN's searchable electronic library eLibrary contains abstracts, full bibliographic data, and author contact information for more than 738,500 papers, more than 342,000 authors, and full text for more than 622,700 papers. # Search eLIBRARY -- Browse SSRN -- Top Papers Downloads from the SSRN eLibrary in the past 12 months total more than 13.4 million, with more than 113.2 million downloads since inception. |
Now, with the BioRN research network, biology researchers and social science theorists are sharing ideas early and receiving the credit they deserve while refining their overall final research before peer review publication. Your scholarly research contributions get noticed with SSRN!
“BioRN will enable close collaboration between the life and social sciences across a variety of disciplines, encourage constructive feedback from peers and enhance researchers’ reputations ...Whether you’re a biology student or a senior researcher, sharing your work and collaborating on BioRN has many advantages... Biology researchers are able to post preprints and working papers on BioRN, share ideas and other early stage research, and collaborate. It allows users to quickly upload and read abstracts and full-text papers, free of charge", - SSRN launches a network dedicated to biology: BioRN |
The following Subject Matter eJournals are available within BioRN.
Subject Matter eJournals include working and accepted paper abstracts on interdisciplinary topics in biology & agriculture, data monitoring, bioinformatics, law, cognitive science, bioethics, security, computational biology, bio-imaging/biosensors, bio-inspired engineering, biomimetics, bioreactors, environment, philosophy, sustainability and other topics - covering all aspects of sustainable biological resource use and development.
# To view all papers currently included in a listed eJournal click on the eJournal title.
Initially, subscriptions to Subject Matter eJournals will be free during the start-up phase until June 2018.
If you subscribe to an eJournal you will receive email announcements of newly received papers.
Forthcoming BioRN eJournals:
- Animal Behavior & Cognition eJournal
- Biochemistry eJournal
- Biology Educator: Courses, Cases & Teaching eJournal
- Botany eJournal
- Developmental Biology eJournal
- Microbiology eJournal
- Physiology eJournal
- Sociobiology eJournal
- Toxicology eJournal
SSRN's PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY: searching on an individual's name in the author field on SSRN search page provides one of the best single professional directory of scholars in the social sciences and humanities. Complete contact information for authors, including email, postal, telephone, and fax information, is available there. |
For more information contact [email protected].
*In May 2016, SSRN joined Elsevier, a world-leading provider of information solutions promoting the performance of science, health, and technology professionals, empowering them to make better decisions, and deliver better care. SSRN and Elsevier can now together further enhance early discoveries of ideas in an open-access environment of sharing and collaboration.
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