OpenBiblio: An easy to use free integrated library software

OpenBiblio is a simple to use web based library automation system, written in PHP and designed for small libraries with resources of less than 50,000 volumes.

OpenBiblio contains modules for OPAC, circulation, cataloguing, administration and reporting from the database. The system is tailor-made for libraries and institutions with financial, technical and organisational restrictions to implement other open source software such as KOHA and Evergreen

Installing OpenBiblio

OpenBiBlio can run on both Linux and Windows based environments, and requires the installation of Apache and MySQL. Simple guidelines, created by Tigran Zargaryan, to install OpenBiblio in a Windows environment are available online. OpenBiblio is based on MARC21 metadata format. 

Successful implementation of OpenBiblio software has been reported by the Georgian Library Association, four small libraries in Armenia, and some primary school libraries and public libraries in Chile.

The VEST-IM registry, under “Library Management Systems” provides a catalogue of similar open source software for library environment.

Learn more about OpenBiblio, and download the tool at