The release for AGROVOC May 2019 is out!

FAO AGROVOC team is pleased to announce the release for AGROVOC release for May 2019. The May 2019 release brings AGROVOC to a total of 36,212 concepts up from 36,196 concepts in April 2019.

The AGROVOC May 2019 release was published today. Many thanks to those who contributed. The current release improved AGROVOC in a number of ways, including quality control and correcting alignments with other linked vocabularies. 

The next release should be in the first days of June 2019. 

Detailed technical information about the current release can be browsed here.

The following services have been updated

AGROVOC snap view and recent statistics

  • Number of Concepts : 36,212
  • Number of Terms : 720,175

AGROVOC is used worldwide. The recent statistics for April 2019 are as follows, just over 1million hits:

AGROVOC URI accesses : 1,049,900

AGROVOC Webservices: 34,626 accesses

SKOSMOS accesses : 325,321

Some useful tips

Some useful URLs:

*   SKOSMOS - to browse

*   AIMS  page on AGROVOC

A helpful tip for doing some searches in SKOSMOS: SKOSMOS searches only in concepts having a label starting with the input value. So, if you search for "regis" you will find, for example "registration" and "registered designation of origin", but not "deed registration". If you want to search for all concepts having a label containing such input value, you need to put  *  before and after, so, for example, you can input *regis* and you will get many more results.

Some of the ways AGROVOC is used:

  • to index electronic information resources, e.g. in specialized libraries as well as digital libraries and repositories;
  • for text mining and to tag content in websites, e.g. integrating AGROVOC as a taxonomy of Typo 3 or Drupal;
  • to facilitate search engine discovery;
  • as a reference for translations;
  • to linking datasets and enhancing access to open data;
  • as a reliable source for standardization of agricultural information data and services


If you need to suggest a new concept and are not an AGROVOC Editor, please remember that can also be done by email to [email protected].

Please send the suggested new concept in English, with any translations available, suggested broader term if possible, and the definition with source  (the more information, the better). It will then be reviewed. Templates available.

We want AGROVOC to be useful and relevant for your work.  If you need more information directly, just contact me at [email protected]  and we will do our best to help.