The WebAGRIS usage survey – Results!

The survey was prepared by the following 39 different institutions from the following countries: Ukraine, Turkey, Argentina, Ghana, Bolivia, Honduras, Slovak Republic, Serbia, Costa Rica, India, Ecuador, Philippines, Paraguay, Sudan, Dominican Republis, Cuba, Iran, Spain, Ethiopia, Brasil, Argentina, Kenya, Slovenia, Malaysia, Japan, Bulgaria, Latvia, Armenia, Egypt.

Its results will be considered as a starting point for a further analysis in order to identify what are the community’s specific needs and how the FAO/AGRIS team can improve the support for the WebAGRIS system.

According to the results of the survey, the WebAGRIS user has an instance either published in the Internet (50%), or installed as a standalone (32%), over a LAN (37%) or on a WAN (30%). The most used platform (67%) is Windows plus Xitami web server. However, to publish the system in the internet, 10 institutions use Windows plus MS ISS web server, one uses Linux and another uses Windows plus Apache web server.

The great majority (80%) uses WebAGRIS as reference point for the local collection and a great part (61%) do not plan to switch to another system, although a good part is not sure (20%).

The technical issues (installations trouble shoots, programming language, etc.) are considered the most important limitations (67%) for the use of WebAGRIS. However, others (41%) would be happy if the system included other library modules. Nearly all the participants (92%) are very interested in a proper installation and use of the OAI-PMH plug-in.

Attached is a document that is displaying the full results.

Any feedback/comment is highly appreciated.



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