Ontology-based navigation of bibliographic metadata: example of the Food, Nutrition and Agriculture Journal
This paper describes the work done within the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on providing an
ontology-based navigation for the Food, Nutrition and Agriculture (FNA) Journal. The aim of the revised navigation was to provide more efficient and effective browsing of the Food and Nutrition Publications
using a knowledge model to guide the user with concepts and relationships relevant to a specific subject area. With this approach, data from two different bibliographical databases was merged, unified and
presented to the user with improved services. A preliminary metadata
merge was needed to combine all the information into one system in
order to produce a metadata-ontology. Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS) was chosen to exploit semantic relationships, e.g. the possibilities of browsing the data in different
ways (by keywords, categories, authors, etc.), and the creation of a
multilingual concept-based advanced search.