23-27 October : GODAN ThinkTank on "Open Geo Data and open tools to achieve food security and sustainable agriculture for SDG 2030”

A GODAN ThinkTank on “Open geo data and open tools to achieve food security and sustainable agriculture for SDG 2030” is one of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO)'s meetings that will take place during GEO Week 2017, in October 23-27 2017, in Washington D.C . 

Your contributions and inputs on AgriGIS (FoodSecurity) research and examples are welcome. Please send (by 10th October 2017relevant research - - that you would like to be shared with GEO colleagues to expand GODAN research for the future - - to Suchith Anand at <[email protected]>.

Open Earth observations and open geospatial information are key in supporting and achieving the 2030 agenda for Global Food Security.

This think tank workshop aims to bring together all stakeholders from public institutions, private sector, and NGO's to discuss ideas and develop partnerships for expanding capacity building to support global food security with open geospatial data and open tools.

Click HERE to register for the event.

GODAN ThinkTank on “Open geo data and open tools to achieve food security and sustainable agriculture for SDG 2030”  will:

* use this excellent opportunity to build upon the ideas from GODAN AgriGIS ThinkTank in Nairobi 2016 and aim to discuss ideas on how to synergise efforts for  Open Geo Data and Open Tools to achieve food security and sustainable agriculture for SDG 2030;

* also present some of key outputs from the GODAN Local Farming Challenge 2017, Outputs from GODAN Ministerial Conference 2017 to give the background work till now.

The objective of the ThinkTank  is to provide a forum for stakeholders in government, private organisations, academia and NGOs  to share knowledge and propose strategies on improving the use of  open data, open educational resources , open tools etc with the aim to expand Capacity Building and Training in AgriGIS to support Global Food Security. During this event, also some recent AgriGIS research - e.g. Geospatial binding for transdisciplinary research in crop science: the GRASPgfs initiative - will be shared.
