Call for the Least Developed Countries EXTENDED: Register for the Research4Life Massive Open Online Course on Global Access to Research in Health, Food and Agriculture, Environment, Innovation and Law

The United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries (UNTB) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recently announced a new partnership  to support the delivery of online training activities for the 47 least-developed countries to enhance the access to recent scientific knowledge, and thus give them the opportunity to participate fully in the global scientific community.

With this objective, UNTB and FAO will run two editions of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) titled: Research4Life Online Training Tools to develop capacities in information use, scholarly communication and information management in least developed countries”. 

The first course is set to be delivered on 15 June to 17 July and an additional course in October 2020. FAO has extended the call for expressions of interest from least developed countries through an online application form. Interested participants can express interest via the form.

The courses will be delivered with the objective to equip researchers in educational, research, and policy institutions in these countries with the knowledge and the skills required to access and use information effectively and efficiently. 

Eligible institutions include: national universities, professional schools (in medicine, agriculture, pharmacy, public health, socio-legal studies, engineering, etc.), research institutes, teaching hospitals and healthcare centers, government offices, national libraries, agricultural extension centers and local non-governmental organizations. Eligibility criteria can be found here

The MOOCs follow a modular structure, which allows participants to study their area of interest throughout a five-week period. The course covers topics relevant across all Research4Life programmes, such as the scholarly communication landscape, information literacy skills, advocacy and capacity development strategies. Additionally, it provides discipline-specific information for Hinari, AGORA, OARE, ARDI and GOALI. Please visit the course page for more detailed course information. Find information about the success of previous Research4Life courses here and past participants experiences here.  

About The United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries:

The United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries is a global organization dedicated to enhancing the contribution of science, technology and innovation for sustainable development in the world’s least developed countries.

The UN Technology Bank became operational in 2018 and serves the 47 least developed countries (LDCs) and former least developed countries for up to five years after their graduation from the category. According to the UN, LCDs are low-income countries confronting severe structural impediments to sustainable development. They are highly vulnerable to economic and environmental shocks and have low levels of human assets.


Headquartered in Gebze, Turkey, the UN Technology Bank actively engages with national, regional and international partners to deliver its programme and projects which strengthen science, technology and innovation capacity in least developed countries. The UN Technology Bank supports national and regional technological efforts, reinforces partnerships across sectors and helps nations identify and use appropriate technologies to transform their economies and improve livelihoods.