Comment on the Ring

I sent some comments to Valeria about the Ring prototype and she suggested I post it here, hope to start a thread of comments

Here goes what I sent:


"Hope you are doing fine. Sorry I did not look into this before, and i think you sent also something to the list before that i did not answer to as it landed on the wrong pile (and i am afraid that some of my comments that I will make now should have been made then.

The design is probably aiming at the most complex, and some of it would make sense only when it is populated. For example there is a list of KOS, useful in its own right but if you can browse by KOS and only one value is used it is a bit Russian roulette. In general: be careful that people may feel a bit intimidated.

One can browse by Protocol / Architecture and by Format etc. it made me wonder: is this the technology to get something in, or to get something out. That is clear in the summary table, not here 'Incremental input'  for AGRIS is probably meant the input method (although the term does not convey much to me)

RSS is both in as a protocol and a format; one might argue that the protocol to transfer RSS or Atom newsfeeds is HTTP

For me URI or URN as a protocol does not ring a bell.

SRW/SRU is mentioned as a protocol; SRW has been renamed  "SRU via HTTP SOAP" so "SRU" will do.

I am afraid that i sound more critical than I intend; I am very glad you started this and I believe that it will work (that is why I am reacting.

And oh yes, Rome is the centre of the World, so it is obvious why it is so prominent on the map :=)


I will try it out this week by entering some things that i know about