Research Data Architectures For Research Institutions (RDARI) IG Survey Closing Date Extended to 30 November 2019
Research Data Architectures For Research Institutions (RDARI) IG Survey Closing Date Extended to 30 November 2019
The Research Data Architectures for Research Institutions (RDARI) Interest Group is conducting a survey of the research data management services offered by universities and research institutions around the world. This will enable comparisons to be drawn between different institutions and help establish benchmarks for service provision. If you are happy to provide your contact details, colleagues will be able to get in touch to discuss points of interest.
The results will be shared with contributors once the survey closes before making the data openly available to all. Respondents are encouraged to include their email addresses so that colleagues at other institutions can contact them to compare notes and exchange ideas when they provide or are looking to develop similar services. The length of time taken to complete the survey will vary depending on the number of services your institution already offers, but it is estimated that 30 minutes should be adequate in most instances.
The results of the survey will be shared with respondents after it has closed on the 30 November 2019 24:00 (UTC) with the data made publicly available shortly thereafter.
Please visit to complete the survey.
Further information about the Research Data Alliance RDARI Interest Group may be found at