Workshop on From Data to Insights: A Narrative using Data Storytelling and Visualization

14 December, 2019 at CMS, Saket, New Delhi, India

Photo by UNSPLASH licensed under CC0 License


Data visualization is a language and it’s becoming standard for analysts to know how to convey information to decision makers in a way that is actionable and easy to understand. This skill, combined with the ability for analysts to share the steps they took to discover the insights in data, is often defined as “data storytelling.” Data storytelling is a critical element of the analytics process. And a changing workplace culture, where analytics reigns supreme, is refining the definition of data storytelling. As organizations create cultures of analytics, analysts’ data storytelling methods are more about nurturing a conversation around the data and less about arguing for a singular conclusion. These analytical cultures are also fostering data literacy efforts aimed at teaching people to truly understand the data and to be participants in the analytical conversation— from the moment of discovery to the resulting business decision.

Make data your core competency: The promise of digital transformation is the ability to harness the power of technology to grow your business, reach new markets, and attract new customers. It means that you also need to understand all of the data, or digital exhaust, created by new customer experiences.

Data Science: This field of expertise is the interdisciplinary field of sciences, which extracts knowledge and insight from data, making it readily available. This exciting field has made significant changes to our daily lives in the past couple of decades. The technologies we take for granted are all driven by this field of expertise, but there is one thing that data scientists are not naturally skilled in:

  1. Visualizations: The emergence of technology solutions such as dashboards became a natural solution in aiding us to comprehend our vast amounts of data collected. Transforming data into graphs, pie, and line charts meant we could see our data like never before, however, alone data visualizations have limitations. They provided at-a-glance snapshots of data, lacking the context needed to explain why something has happened.
  2. Data storytelling is a methodology for communicating information, tailored to a specific audience, with a compelling narrative. It is the last ten feet of your data analysis and arguably the most important aspect. The most vital part of a data story is the narrative. Narrative uses language in a format that suits our particular needs, augmenting our full comprehension of new information. A narrative is a key vehicle to convey insights, with visualizations and data being important proof points.

Photo by UNSPLASH licensed under CC0 License

What will be covered

The goal of this 1-day workshop is to enable you to bring data to life and use it to communicate a story to an audience, with a focus on simplicity and ease of interpretation. This is accomplished through a mix of data visualization and storytelling theory, best practices, and practical application.

Workshop content is organized into 5 key lessons:

  • Understand the context;
  • Choose the right display;
  • Identify and eliminate clutter;
  • Draw attention where you want it; and
  • Tell a story.

Lessons are made concrete through numerous real world examples and individual and small group exercises. The workshops are highly interactive; registration is limited to ensure instructor/student interaction.


Are you responsible for representing data in your day-to-day job? Is it important for you to be able to tell stories through graphs and presentations? If you ever find yourself needing to communicate something  to someone  using data, this workshop is for you. Whether you’re an analyst crunching numbers, a manager needing to communicate in a data-driven way, or a leader responsible for presentations to your board or other stakeholders, this workshop will give you the tools to tell more effective stories with data.

For more information and registration form, visit here.

Workshop on From Data to Insights A Narrative using Data Storytelling and Visualization_brochure.pdf2.98 ميغابايت