AGORA, ASIRA, GOALI and other updates from the Research4Life Partner Newsletter

The Research4Life (R4L) is delighted to announce the release of its October 2017 Newsletter !
As R4L gears up to launch GOALI (Global Online Access to Legal Information), its 5th programme focused on the rule of law early next year (see: the formal approval of GOALI) ...
... it has been also hard at work boosting its new infrastructure and sharing the stories of Change behind Research4Life, highlighting - - - through a new R4L site section : VOICES (gathering Stories of Change, Case Study booklets, Tersimonials, Videos) - - the incredible work being done every day by researchers, librarians, policymakers and activists in the developing countries.
During the past few months, Research4Life also launched Information in Action: Celebrating Research Advocacy Champions, - a new book of case studies with INASP, to provide a series of motivating exemplars for others in the communities that Research4Life serves.
In July 2017, Research4Life launched a new R4L authentication system, - to further boost cross-border access and usage of research outputs for Research4Life institutions.
The next important update is about several training activities such as a free e-learning course “Access to scientific information resources in agriculture in low-income countries" (ASIRA) and a specific online course about AGORA for AGORA users and all interested people in eligible countries.
Read R4L October 2017 Newsletter* to find out more about the latest events in the Research4Life community, its media stats and facts and recent training outreach.
Feel free to share the news across your networks!
Whether your interest is in impact, governance, capacity development, technology, or communications, there’s a Research4Life team for you. Contact : [email protected]
* Research4Life Newsletter is published twice a year and contains information about the Research4Life partnership activities of the last six month in the areas of capacity development, technical advances, new collaborations, marketing updates, statistical updates, case studies etc.