GODAN wins 2 top Canadian awards for advocacy and leadership in Open Data

On 12 - 14 June, 2017, Edmonton hosted Canada's annual summit on Open Data (CODS17) showcasing advances in the Open Data landscape from 50 invited speakers drawn from key stakeholders in governments, non-governmental, international and private sector organisations. Open Data is now contributing to advanced analytics underpinning decision support systems, and many stakeholders are recognising the added value it brings.
Every year the summit celebrates excellence in Open Data giving awards in a range of categories. This years's winner of in the catagory of Open Data Advocacy was the G8 organization GODAN (Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition).
GODAN advocates for global efforts to make agricultural and nutritionally relevant data available and accessible for unrestricted use worldwide, towards the creation of high level policy ensuring global food security.
In a double success for GODAN, the organization's Executive Director André Laperrière was awarded the presitgious "Open Data Leader of the Year" an award given to a Canadian making signiticant contributions and impact to the adoption of Open Data at home and abroad.
At the CODS17 Gala Awards ceremony Dr. Chris Baker, CEO of IPSNP ComputingInc, a Canadian Open Data partner of GODAN, accepted the two awards on behalf of André Laperrière. Meanwhile André was busy at the G77 meeting brokering an historic and comprehensive collaboration between GODAN and High Level Ministers from many countries in Africa - including Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Uganda, Congo, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Rwanda and others, in support of opening data for improving innovation in agriculture across their countries.
Congratulations to GODAN and Chapeau bas André Laperrière !