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  • Good Practices in Extension Research and Evaluation

    MANUAL on GOOD PRACTICES in EXTENSION RESEARCH and EVALUATION, Agricultural Extension in South Asia Network (AESA), 2017, 278 pages.This MANUAL was developed as a hands-on reference tool to help young researchers, research students, and field extension workers in choosing the right research methods for conducting quality research and evaluation in extension....
  • Thesis Commons : a free, cloud-based, open-source platform

    The Center for Open Science (COS)* is pleased to announce the release of Thesis Commons, a free, cloud-based, open-source platform for the submission, dissemination, and discovery of graduate and undergraduate theses and dissertations from any discipline. As a shared, public good, the OSF dramatically lowers the barrier to entry for ...
  • Apply now ! 18 months PostDoc Position: Ontology Alignment and Engineering in Agriculture and Biodiversity

    Information:Employer:  University of MontpellierContext:     AgroPortal project, supported by NUMEV labexWhen:       Nov. 2017 – for 18 months.Where:       LIRMM (collaboration with IRD, INRA, CNRS (CEFE), as well as with the NCBO (Stanford University)). Possible short missions at SupAgro (INRA) and/or Stanford.Net salary:  Between 2100 and 2500€ per month depending on qualifications. Includes benefits. ...
  • CDAIS : Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems Project

    [TAP Framework: CDAIS has supported the development of the common framework on agricultural innovation systems through the Tropical Agricultural Platform/TAP].CDAIS project - launched in 2015 - is a global partnership on Capacity Development for agricultural innovation systems. The project is supported by the European Union and implemented by Agrinatura (...
  • Applications are invited to participate in the CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science

    Applications are invited to participate in the CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science which will be held at ICTP-SAIFR, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 4-15 December 2017. To apply you must use the online form which is available HERE. The deadline for applications is 22 September 2017 !________________________________________________________________________________________________About the CODATA-RDA School of Research Data ScienceWhat ...