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  • GODAN Action Trainers’ Network : Call for Membership

    In the framework of the GODAN Action project, aiming to enable data users, producers and intermediaries to engage effectively with open data and maximise its potential for impact in the agriculture and nutrition sectors, the project team has launched a GODAN Action Trainers Network. If you would like to participate ...
  • CAB Thesaurus 2017 edition published online

    The widely acclaimed CAB Thesaurus has received a major update for the 2017 edition, making it easier to access the world’s largest source of terminology covering the applied life sciences. The search tool now provides a controlled vocabulary resource approaching 2.7 million descriptive terms.CAB Thesaurus content has increased significantly since ...
  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) : what is it all about?

    In April 2016 the European Parliament adopted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which was presented by the European Commission (EC) in January 2012. This regulation was adopted by the EC to protect individuals from unintentional and intentional misuse of personally identifiable information (PII).  On May 25th, in the year 2018, the GDPR ...
  • Research Graph : Data Exchange between Data Description Registry and VIVO platform

    (Source: Switchboard software - the implementation of the Data Description Registry Interoperability (DDRI) WG Recommendations in Research Data Alliance - now has a new capability to exchange data with the VIVO platform - open source software and an ontology for representing scholarship. Exchange of data takes place ...