The 9th newsletter of the FAO Country Profiles is now available. This edition gives a focus on key statistics from FAOSTAT, the world's largest and most comprehensive statistical database on food and agriculture. The newsletter also features the FAO Projects in the country, published by the Technical Cooperation Department of ...
The AGROVOC group of AIMS wrote the article 'Multilinguality in AGROVOC Concept Scheme: Challenges and Experiences' in collaboration with MIMOS Berhardin Malaysia, the National Institute of Plant Health Management (NIPHM) in India and Kasetsart Universityin Thailand. This publication can be found in the FAO Corporate Document Repository: http://www.fao....
EIFL’s Public Library Innovation Programme(PLIP) supports libraries to implement community development projects. In May 2010 PLIP supported with a grant the ‘Agrolib-Ja’ project of the Public library Radislav Nikčević in central Serbia. After a year, impact assessment demonstrates that the new services accomplished remarkable results. Please take a ...
With so many library users now expecting to access information through search engines, developing country publications tend to get overlooked in favour of the wealth of research available online from American and European academic institutions. The British Library for Development Studies The British Library for Development Studies(BLDS) has the ...
DC-2011, the eleventh International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, took place at the National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague from 21 through 23 September 2011. AIMS's presence at DC-2011
The AIMS team presented the paper Thesaurus Alignment for Linked Data Publishingon the work done mapping AGROVOC to six other ...