
En el archivo del sitio web de AIMS pueden buscarse noticias sobre AIMS relacionadas con cualquier tema.

  • Information Management meeting at ICRISAT

    Hi   I hear that there will be a meeting on Information Management issues in Ag. research for development is being organized at ICRISAT (with FAO GFAR, APAARI) from 6th to 10th December. Are any CMTF members involved?   Best   Hugo
  • PhaseIITechnology, OpenPublish and Tattler

    a href="" Phase2 Technology | Open Source. Open Minds./abr /I want to draw the attention to Phase2Technology and their products OpenPublish and Tattler.nbsp; Both products use the OpenCalais platform from Thomson Reuters and the Drupal RDF module. You can do fairly sophisticated semantically ...
  • Review – CMTF ISSUES

    It is quite clear with the next f2f just a few months away we need evaluate the work done and plan how we shall accomplish remaining part before we can visit Peru. We will need to find methods of working that do not add further load to our working ...
  • Preparation of a special session at Montpellier meeting

    I would like to initiate this activity by posting this comment. As I understand that this conference will be in April 2010. So it is about time to prepare a call for papers for this special session. In Addis meeting the two main topics of the session were suggested to be ...