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  • FARMER RIGHTS on DATA and OWNERSHIP issues (recorded GODAN's webinar)

    What do we mean by farmers’ rights to data?Who owns data?Who is entitled to the value of the data?What is the role of privacy in the agricultural sector?These and other related questions are answeredin this GODAN's webinar on FARMER RIGHTS on DATA and OWNERSHIP issuesBACKGROUNDThere is ...
  • The total number of AGRIS records reaches 9,466,760 (September 2018)

    The FAO AGRIS team is pleased to inform all AGRIS data providers and users about the AGRIS September 2018 data release with 76,077 new records.  As of September 2018, number of AGRIS multilingual bibliographic records has reached 9,466,760 (July 2018: 9,268,679).   The next AGRIS data release will take place in October 2018. The AGRIS team at the ...
  • Deposit your research data as FAIR Data with help of REPOSITORY FINDER!

    With REPOSITORY FINDER - hosted by DataCite - you can find an appropriate repository to deposit your research data.  REPOSITORY FINDER queries the re3data registry of research data repositories. REPOSITORY FINDER is a pilot project of the Enabling FAIR Data Project (2017-2019).ENABLING FAIR DATA PROJECT : GOALSFAIR-aligned data repositories ...