
Vous pouvez rechercher dans les archives du site web AIMS des articles sur tous les sujets liés aux AIMS.

  • Apply for the CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science. Deadline: 30 September 2018

    Applications are now open for the CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science, Sao Paulo, which will take place at ICTP-SAIFR (ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research on 3-14 December 2018. APPLY HERE - the deadline for applications is 30 September 2018. There is no registration fee. Limited funds are available to support ...
  • The African Open Science Platform: The Future of Open Science

    This document presents a draft strategy and makes the scientific case for the African Open Science Platform (AOSP) The African Open Science Platform's mission is to... ... put African scientists at the cutting edge of contemporary, data-intensive science as a fundamental resource for a modern society. Its building blocks are: a ...
  • Version 4.0.2 of VocBench was released in August 2018

    Version 4.0.2 of VocBench was released in August 2018, and is available here.  VocBench is… a web-based, multilingual, collaborative development platform for managing OWL ontologies, SKOS(XL) thesauri, OntoLex lexicons and generic RDF datasets. Designed to meet the needs of Semantic Web and Linked Data environments, VocBench development has also been driven ...
  • CAB Thesaurus 2018 edition published (with 2.8 million total terms)

    The 2018 edition of CAB Thesaurus, the leading life sciences thesaurus, was signed off, on schedule, on Friday, 29th June, and is now available on the thesaurus web site. A detailed report on the new edition compared with last year's edition is available there, but here are some highlights.Total terms, ...