AgriDrupal demo package version 0.7 ready


Please be reminded that what we call "AgriDrupal demo package" is not a tool that we officially distribute or maintain: it is only a demo Drupal setup packaged with the features that we find useful for agricultural information management.

The versions available for download come with no guarantee, are not maintained and are to be considered test versions for circulation in the AgriDrupal community and for testign and adoption only by users who know Drupal and can use and customize AgriDrupal with no assistance.

AgriDrupal version 0.7 incorporates all features of AgriDrupal 0.6 (management of web pages, news, events, vacancies, document repository, institutions and experts; RSS and RDF feeds compatible with the relevant Ag Application profiles) with the addition of the following features:

- Agris AP compliant XML export of all bibliographic records;

- repository accessible through the OAI-PMH protocol (only Dublin Core). 

We will soon publish the details of how the two features were implemented in Drupal.

Version 0.7 can be downloaded here:

This version is deprecated now: to make sure you download the current latest version of the AgriDrupal demo package, download it from the latest version folder here:

The folder contains a .zip file of the website and the .sql export of the database, plus a very basic readme.txt file with quick instructions.